Data Brokerage Companies

  SDLS is the industry's most used database for a reason. It's the most comprehensive and accurate database available today. And we're continually adding to our database and actively maintaining data integrity on an ongoing basis. No other data service puts as much effort into maintaining and upgrading their database as we do.

Database upgrades and additions are ongoing, guaranteeing data broker’s access to the most comprehensive, up-to-date listings available.

Updates to subscribing brokerage clients are provided daily, and can be done automatically online with very little set-up. Furthermore, the SDLS database can be provided in any format, so it does not matter what mapping application or Quality Inspection management software you are using.

Attribute information collected through the Quality Inspection process is collected by the various subscribing data brokerage companies and entered back into the database on a regular basis. This ensures line information remains as complete as possible so the next time a line is referenced there is no need to update information again. There is no other database in the industry as clean or complete as SDLS.

For further information on services and pricing, please contact SDLS Inc.
Data listed on SDLS
used by over 85% of
the brokers in Western Canada. Read More >
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