Data listed on SDLS used by over 85% of the brokers in Western Canada
SDLS was created in 2002 by the merging of three of the industry’s largest seismic line databases - those maintained by Divestco Inc. and Sigma Explorations Inc. The three databases were compiled, compared, and corrected as necessary. Areas where data was missing were filled by aggressive and systematic solicitation of data releases from data owners.

Since 2002 there has been significant consolidation of the seismic data brokerage business and currently over 85% of the industries brokerage firms in Canada use the SDLS database as their main source of information. Information gathered by these companies through the process of quality inspection is entered back to the SDLS database providing a constant source for refined and enriched attribute information. More accurate line locations, vintage, fold, source, shot point numbering and other attributes are just a few of the ways SDLS is constantly improving.

No other database can compete with the value added to the SDLS database by the subscribing brokerage firms using the database in their normal course of business.

SDLS Expands its Coverage
SDLS contains data coverage for all active oil and gas areas in Canada. Due to the constantly changing nature of our industry, explorationists are increasingly looking outside the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin for information. SDLS is responding to this need by expanding our coverage in other areas. We are actively soliciting additional line locations in the US, NWT, and Eastern Canada. Our coverage includes both onshore and offshore data locations. If your company would like to offer its line locations, please contact SDLS Inc.

Data listed on SDLS
used by over 85% of
the brokers in Western Canada. Read More >
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